• Promote Your Business with Business Card Holders

    Updated: 2011-03-31 21:59:02
    Business card holders are productive, useful and necessary business tools that are extremely helpful in promoting a person or business. Business card holders are used to hold, store and protect business cards before and during the process of distribution. Business card holders come in two separate types—the portable business card holder and the desktop business [...]

  • The Ultimate Robot Gripper Design Challenge (Video)

    Updated: 2011-03-31 14:43:11
    Picking up objects is a major challenge for most robots and robot designers. Tasks like grasping an egg without breaking it seem almost insurmountable. But what about trying to design a robot capable of picking up a dollop of mayonnaise or ketchup? Think it's impossible? Think again: This amazing device,...

  • Hanson Robokind, Expressive Robots are Here

    Updated: 2011-03-30 19:52:19
    Hanson Robotics released their Robokind platform to the market. There robots are exclusively available at RobotShop for immediate worldwide distribution. What is a Robokind? The Robokind platform consists of a humanoid robotic body combined with an expressive head. These robots can walk, talk and show emotions in the same way a human can. Thanks to [...]

  • Le REETI - Expressive Robot from robopec (Video)

    Updated: 2011-03-30 04:03:44
    Robopec has developed a new expressive, and perhaps a bit unsettling, robot named Le REETI that combines the features of a PCMedia center with robotics and an engaging character that looks somewhat like a cream-colored Shrek: More videos after the break- Philippe Kervizic of Robotics Business sent in this footage...

  • GENIBO Robot Dog Struts Its Stuff

    Updated: 2011-03-30 02:36:17
    Remember AIBO, Sony’s now discontinued robotic pet dog? Well Sony’s loss is Korea’s gain, now that they have a corner on the market for dancing robot dogs. GENIBO has been around in Korea for a…

  • Swarming Micro Air Vehicle Network

    Updated: 2011-03-29 17:38:44
    All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account Swarming Micro Air Vehicle Network Posted 29 Mar 2011 at 16:38 UTC by John_RobotsPodcast The Swarming Micro Air Vehicle Network SMAVNET Project , of the EPFL Laboratory of Intelligent Systems aims at developing swarms of flying robots that can be deployed in disaster areas to rapidly create communication networks for rescuers . Flying robots are interesting for such applications because they are fast , can easily overcome difficult terrain , and benefit from line-of-sight . communication SMAVNET recently crossed the threshold to a higher public profile through coverage on CNN Labs While it is just one of a dozen current projects being conducted at LIS it's one with easily understood

  • Quadrocopter Ball Juggling

    Updated: 2011-03-28 16:50:15
    All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account Quadrocopter Ball Juggling Posted 28 Mar 2011 at 15:50 UTC by IKE_RobotsPodcast Markus Waibel from robotspodcast pointed us to this amazing video showing two quadcopters juggling a small ball . The video is made by the Control of Distributed , Autonomous Systems lab of professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich ETHZ Raffaello D'Andrea . It is shot inside the Flying Machine Arena a facility that provides a control environment for motion control research . The two quadcopters are based on the Hummingbird' quadrotor made by Ascending Technologies with new controls and custom made electronics fabricated by the institute . A vital component is a state of the art Vicon

  • GENIBO Dog Robot at InnoRobo 2011 (Video)

    Updated: 2011-03-27 15:45:35
    DasaRobot (Korea) was exhibiting its GENIBO dog robot at InnoRobo 2011 in Lyon, France last week, and Philippe Kervizic of Robotics Business was kind enough to send in this video footage of the performance: GENIBO appears, in many ways, to be quite similar to the discontinued SONY AIBO canine robot,...

  • What's So Important About RoboGames? (Video)

    Updated: 2011-03-27 14:24:15
    Why is RoboGames so important and inspiring? Listen to RoboGames founder, David Calkins explain how it got started and the incredible role it has come to play in the life of robot builders, experimenters, hobbyists, and fans all over the world. If you have any trouble viewing the embedded video,...

  • Great Gifts for Grandkids in 2011

    Updated: 2011-03-26 22:23:34
    Buying gifts for children in the 21st century can be a confusing process for many grandparents, but this does not have to be the case. Here at Top Toys Blog, we are going to give all you grandmas and grandpas out there some help to make sure you find the perfect gifts for your grandchildren [...]

  • Robots Podcast #74 (25Mar2011): Mind Control

    Updated: 2011-03-25 15:59:42
    Raul Rojas, who was also featured in Robots Podcast Episode 64: Autonomous Vehicles, returns to discuss the work being done at AutoNOMOS Labs to develop an interface that allows a person to direct a largely autonomous vehicle with their thoughts. He is followed by Geoff Mackellar, CTO and Research Manager of Emotiv, developers of the EPOC neuroheadset used by AutoNOMOS Labs. Finally, the web page for this episode links to a TED talk given by Tan Le of Emotiv. Read on or Tune in

  • Robonaut 2 is Out of His Box

    Updated: 2011-03-25 15:20:33
    As you might remember, Robonaut 2 was sent to the ISS a few weeks ago. As shown in the video below, the human astronauts had a big surprise when they finally opened the storage crate that contains the humanoid robot. It seems the naughty robot got out of the box by itself and is now waiting to be given tasks to do as [...]

  • iRobot Sends Military Robots to Japan

    Updated: 2011-03-24 17:26:16
    All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account iRobot Sends Military Robots to Japan Posted 24 Mar 2011 at 17:26 UTC updated 24 Mar 2011 at 17:46 UTC by John_RobotsPodcast Writing for AolNews Lauren Frayer provides a clearer view than has appeared in other , similar articles , regarding iRobot's donation of four robots , a mix of PackBots and Warriors for use in helping to bring the emergency at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant to an end . Frayer quotes Tim Trainer of iRobot as saying We've got some technology that isn't pointedly designed for the specific nuclear mission , but we're going to send that forward and try to understand , Could we provide some value to the Japanese , to try to mitigate this horrible situation Certainly ,

  • Let's Get Ready To Robot Rumble! Mech Warfare at RoboGames 2011

    Updated: 2011-03-24 15:53:47
    A little over two years ago, just prior to RoboGames 2009, Andrew Alter and a few of his colleagues were toying around with the idea of battling robots, both multi-legged and humanoid. Since they were all dyed-in-the-wool Mech fans, they naturally thought it might be a lot of fun to...

  • Nao to the Rescue

    Updated: 2011-03-23 17:01:11
    According to a report on Ubergizmo Aldebaran Robotics, creators of the popular Nao robot, intends to up the ante by upgrading Nao into a range of robots which are able to traverse rocky roads without missing a beat, making them useful even in hazardous situations. This move is motivated at least in part by the recent tragedy in Japan.

  • ROBO-ONE Revisited: Part 2 - Black Seed (Video)

    Updated: 2011-03-23 10:47:45
    Yoshihiro Shibata is one of the most talented humanoid robot builders in Japan. He designed ROBO-ONE champion level robots, Black Blade and Black Seed, over five years ago back in 2005-2006, even before Kondo developed the KHR-2HV. Here's a glimpse at the surprising demonstration performance of Black Seed, one of...

  • Leg-Wheel Hybrid Mobile Platform

    Updated: 2011-03-22 16:47:28
    A group led by Dr. Pei-Chun Lin, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University, has designed a mobile platform with wheels that convert to legs and back again. (see video) Found on Botropolis website.

  • Blinky is Your New Best Friend

    Updated: 2011-03-22 16:32:46
    As announced previously, Ruairi Robinson’s short Blinky™ is now out and free for everybody to watch. Nevertheless, since this is sort of a horror film, viewer discretion is advised. We really like this short since the robots are depicted with a great sense of detail and realism. It also shows how robots in the near future could help us with everyday [...]

  • Humanoid Robot E0 to E3 Evolution

    Updated: 2011-03-22 04:29:11
    Honda was investigated in two-legged humanoid robots began in 1986. The first milestone was the development of prototype biped could walk in a static mode and rectum. It was from this early progress that could reach the next key stage of development, which was to develop a more stable and dynamic way. Added to this [...]

  • Security and Robotics System in Industrial Robots

    Updated: 2011-03-22 04:29:10
    The use of robotics in medicine was initiated several years ago and the problem of security in an environment where man is very far. The complexity of such systems and the transfer of responsibility of the surgeon to drive the robot designers to incorporate into their studies of the safety requirements of operation, including one [...]

  • Robots learn by experimentation and observation

    Updated: 2011-03-22 04:29:10
    Researchers in the European project XPERO have developed a machine learning method that enables a robot in a position to learn fundamental mathematical concepts such as location and orientation in a coordinate system. The robot initially moves aimlessly through the neighborhood and is characterized, through its sensor data, without being aware of the information contained [...]

  • Popular Robotic Surgery Today

    Updated: 2011-03-22 04:29:09
    Medical robotics and robotic surgery appear to be the future of medical operations. Although the cost of a surgical robot is approximately $ 1.7 million, it is a very large extent. The medical world sees this technology as a remarkable and revolutionary step towards less invasive surgery. Through the use of robotics more complex operations [...]

  • Master class in the game of billiards on the robot PR2

    Updated: 2011-03-22 04:29:08
    The guys from California’s Willow Garage to have an interesting thing – they support a free robotehnicheskuyu Robot Operating System platform open source. As a final demonstration of ligament ROS and PR2 robot masters “taught” the last game of billiards. Just a week developers were able to achieve good results – the robot safely play [...]

  • Robotics is Revolutionizing the World of Agriculture

    Updated: 2011-03-22 04:29:07
    Robots specialized in agriculture have been developed by engineers at the University of Illinois in order to automate the heavy labor of farmers. These robots can detect diseased plants, alert other robots of the existence of a pest and get everyone together to fight as a team with the help of satellites. New generations of [...]

  • If robots outperform humans

    Updated: 2011-03-22 04:29:07
    Machines are becoming more human-like – in Japan, robots already were tested in the classroom. But this is only the beginning: scientists predict that people will in future not only have sex with androids, but that machine us no later than 2070 to trump intelligence. Last month the company announced Gecko system, that you had [...]

  • Field Robots Conquer Agriculture

    Updated: 2011-03-22 04:29:05
    The agricultural sector has developed into a highly technical area of global significance for food, energy and landscape management. Connect the demand for new ideas for technical solutions to the economic benefits with social and environmental impact is great. A major platform for the development of autonomous robots is the field from the University of [...]

  • Robot supports older people with communication

    Updated: 2011-03-22 04:29:04
    Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) want to equip the helper so that it makes easy to use even complex media. The goal: even if they are housebound, older people are to maintain their social contacts and prevent isolation and can train cognitive abilities. “Call my daughter!” Maybe the old man forgot the [...]

  • Robotiq Adaptive Gripper Gives Yaskawa Arms a Soft Touch

    Updated: 2011-03-21 18:15:38
    It is always exciting to see Quebec robotic innovation. Robotiq is a Quebec company that developed a very interesting robotic gripper that can adapt to various types of objects as shown in the video below. Even more impressive, when the Adaptive Gripper is combined with the Motoman SDA10D dual-arm robotic system by Yaskawa, the result is a very [...]

  • Update from Dr. Robin Murphy

    Updated: 2011-03-21 15:35:33
    Dr. Robin Murphy has brought us up to date regarding what she's learned about the use, non-use, and still potential use of robots in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. She continues to follow the situation closely.

  • A Busy Calendar for Roboticists

    Updated: 2011-03-20 19:55:27
    With the dust hardly settled from CeBIT, Automate 2011 begins tomorrow, Monday, March 21st, in Chicago, U.S.A. It will be co-located with the 42nd annual International Symposium on Robotics, with ProMat 2011 also located in the same facility. Two days later InnoRobo opens in Lyon, France. Then, on April 6th, the EU Robotics Forum opens in Sweden, immediately after which we return to the U.S. for National Robotics Week, followed in late April by the FIRST Championships.

  • Robots Mustering for Recovery in Japan

    Updated: 2011-03-20 18:40:27
    A radiation monitoring robot, dubbed Monirobo ("monitor" + "robot") (source), developed by Japan's Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC), has been deployed to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. While possibly the only robot being brought into play which had been specifically designed for use in a nuclear accident, it's far from the only robot to be deployed, or at least offerred for deployment during the recovery phase of the current disaster in Japan. (More after the break)

  • How Hard can Impersonating a Robot Be?

    Updated: 2011-03-18 19:36:53
    Humans tend to think that impersonating a robot is simply a matter of moving stiffly and talking in a silly way. In the hilarious video below, Simon Peg and Nick Frost impersonate two of the best known robots in the world, namely R2D2 and C3PO, which can be very challenging. Via College Humor. Related Posts:Keepon for Masses, Available SoonWatson [...]

  • Watson Becomes a Physician

    Updated: 2011-03-15 21:56:31
    After defeating Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings at Jeopardy!, Watson, the robot by IMB, went on to become a physicians helper. What would be the most suitable job for a robot that can quickly search trough an immense database and find the answer to a question? We do not know. But diagnosing illness and effectively becoming a physicians helper is certainly a good [...]

  • How the Active Scope Camera Works

    Updated: 2011-03-15 17:08:17
    Reports about the use of robots to help rescuers locate survivors and to examine debris for hidden hazards are beginning to pop up. The video embedded in this National Ledger article is noteworthy because the subtitles provide more detail about the Active Scope Camera than has appeared in other, similar reports.

  • Japanese Quake and Tsunami Ultimate Test for Rescue Robots

    Updated: 2011-03-13 19:55:47
    All the news that's fit to assimilate Home Blogs Events Robots Humans Projects Podcasts About Account Japanese Quake and Tsunami Ultimate Test for Rescue Robots Posted 13 Mar 2011 at 19:55 UTC by John_RobotsPodcast As observed on RobotLand shortly after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan , Rescue robots help relief efforts in the aftermath of earthquakes and other disasters by navigating through wreckage that is too dangerous for people to enter and by gathering information on missing persons and the surrounding conditions . Small unmanned marine vehicles , both surface boats and ROVs underwater can be of assistance in inspecting bridges for underwater damage or debris posed to crash into the substructure and damage the bridge . Recent years have seen rapid advances in the development of

  • Robots: Future Manipulators

    Updated: 2011-03-12 23:47:56
     #xD; In the March 11th episode of RobotsPodcast we’l be talking about futuristic manipulators that look nothing like the typical industrial robot arms you’e seen in factories. Our first guest, Heinrich Jaeger from the University of Chicago tells us about the soft universal gripper that was published in PNAS. Our second guest, Andrzej Grzesiak, presents the bio-inspired manipulator he created with Festo and that won the German Future prize last year. Read on or tune in!

  • Rattles Recalled by Rhino Toys Due to Choking Hazard

    Updated: 2011-03-12 02:54:17
    The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with Rhino Toys, recently announced a voluntary recall of the OBall Links & Mini Rattles. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product. Name of Product: OBall Links & [...]

  • Exciting week for Nao and Aldebaran

    Updated: 2011-03-11 17:40:27
    There have been two noteworthy developments in the last week for Aldebaran and Nao, their humanoid platform. Let’s have a look at this exciting news. Nao Charging Station As announced in Tokyo last weekend, Nao get’s a charging station that allows the robot to autonomously recharge itself when needed. The station is still a prototype and is not [...]

  • Google’s Autonomous Car Gets Aggressive

    Updated: 2011-03-08 22:57:34
    Goggle made an impressive demonstration of their car in “aggressive mode”. You can see the autonomous car perform around a closed course at high-speed in a parking lot. It is exiting to see that the autonomous car technology is already here and can drive us today around the streets. Our laws are now the only limiting factor preventing people from getting one of those [...]

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